Monday, March 30, 2009

Gudeg Yogyakarta

Gudeg (Javanese gudheg) is the typical food of Yogyakarta and Central Java is made from young jack fruit cooked with coconut milk and flavored with kluwek. Need time for hours to make this dish. Brown color is usually produced by the teak leaves cooked together. Gudeg eaten with rice and served with thick coconut milk sauce (areh), chicken, egg, and sambal goreng tahu krecek.

There are many variants gudeg, among others:

* Gudeg Kering, namely gudeg areh who served with thick, is much more viscous than milk in the dish.
* Wet Gudeg, namely gudeg presented with areh thin.
* Gudeg Solo, namely the gudeg arehnya white.

There is a story circulating in the community who make an issue of that brown color on the gudeg produced from chicken blood is added to the brew. This myth is not true, because the brown color resulting from teak leaves.

Gudeg Yogyakarta

Gudeg (Javanese gudheg) is the typical food of Yogyakarta and Central Java is made from young jack fruit cooked with coconut milk and flavored with kluwek. Need time for hours to make this dish. Brown color is usually produced by the teak leaves cooked together. Gudeg eaten with rice and served with thick coconut milk sauce (areh), chicken, egg, and sambal goreng tahu krecek.

There are many variants gudeg, among others:

* Gudeg Kering, namely gudeg areh who served with thick, is much more viscous than milk in the dish.
* Wet Gudeg, namely gudeg presented with areh thin.
* Gudeg Solo, namely the gudeg arehnya white.

There is a story circulating in the community who make an issue of that brown color on the gudeg produced from chicken blood is added to the brew. This myth is not true, because the brown color resulting from teak leaves.

Lumpia Semarang

Lumpia Semarang is a kind of food rollade contain Sprout bamboo, egg, and chicken or shrimp.

Lumpia Semarang cuisine is a mix feeling of Chinese and English, as indeed is the Chinese people Semarang inventor that married people of Indonesia.

Food is sold starting in Semarang and known at the time of the party at the sports GANEFO President Soekarno government.

Semarang on these five "mainstream" lumpia Semarang with different tastes. First flow of Gang Lombok (Siem Swie kiếm), the second flow Jalan Pemuda (deceased Siem Swie Hie), and third flow Jalan Mataram (almarhumah Hwa Siem Nio). Third stream came from one family Sing-Gwan Siem Tjoa Nio Po which is a single daughter and son-creator lumpia Semarang, Tjoa Thay Yoe-Wasih.

The flow of the four former employees are a number of lumpia Street Youth, and the fifth is the flow of people with a background of culinary hobby with the making of lumpia recipe lumpia learning Outcomes that have been circulating.

The oldest generation at this time, the third generation Swie kiếm Siem (65), remain faithful to serve customers in the Kiosk in his father's inheritance (Siem Sing Gwan) in Gang Lombok 11. Specialties lumpia Gang Lombok penggemar this according to some who had found in the Kiosk is bamboo sprout flavor does not smell, is also a mixture of eggs and udangnya not ollyolivia.

Lumpia can be made in the fourth generation we get the kiosks lumpia aka Mbak Lien Lien Siok Siem (43) on the road and Jalan Pemuda Pandanaran. Mbak Lien forward Kiosk deceased father, Siem Swie Hie, who is a brother of Siem Swie kiếm, on Jalan Pemuda (Gang Grajen mouth) while opening two branches in Jalan Pandanaran.

Mbak Lien lumpia uniqueness is that its contents plus seasoning chicken meat. When initial efforts begin to pick up the deceased father, Mbak Lien create three types of lumpia, the content of the shrimp lumpia, lumpia contents chicken (for a shrimp allergy), and contains special lumpia shrimp and chicken mixture. However, because of the inconvenience and feel most buyers especially like the special, now Mbak Lien only make one kind only, namely the content of the bamboo lumpia special Sprout mixed shrimp and chicken.

The other fourth generation, the children of the deceased Siem Hwa Nio (woman's sister Siem Swie kiếm) to continue his mother's stall in Jalan Mataram (MT Haryono Road) in addition to opening new shops in several places in the city of Semarang. Among the children of the deceased Siem Hwa Nio is also opening a branch in Jakarta. There are even grandson of the deceased Siem Hwa Nio fifth generation as a Kiosk in their own lumpia Semarang.

In addition to families ancestral creator lumpia semarang, and now also a lot of people "outside" to make lumpia semarang. They generally their former employees. They have also participated in culinary hobby brisk business with lumpia semarang make lumpia own, such as Lumpia Express, Semarang Phoa kiếm Hwa's International Family Restaurant and Garden in Jalan Gajah Mada, Semarang.

Traditional Foods Of Indonesia (Nasi Kuning)

Yellow rice is a typical Korean food. Food is made from rice that is cooked along with Turmeric and coconut milk and spices. Added with spices and coconut milk, yellow rice has a more savory taste than white rice. Yellow rice is one of the Variations of white rice which is often used as tumpeng. Usual yellow rice served with various side-dish pauk typical Indonesia.

Tradition in Indonesia of rice yellow color depicts the wealth, Prosperity and the lofty moral. Therefore, yellow rice often served on syukuran events and happy events such as birth, marriage and fiance. In Balinese tradition, the color yellow is one of the four Sacred colors which have, in addition to white, red and black. Yellow rice therefore often made at the ceremony Brass dish.

Alat Musik Tradisional Angklung Kanekes

Angklung Kanekes in the area (we often call them the Baduy) used especially as related to ritus rice, not merely entertainment for the people. Angklung be used or pronounced when to plant their rice in huma (field). Angklung Menabuh when to plant the rice only be pronounced free (dikurulungkeun), especially in Kajeroan (Tangtu; Baduy Jero), and there is a certain ritmis, namely in Kaluaran (Baduy Foreign).

However, still can be displayed outside ritus rice but still have the rules, for example, may only ditabuh to pare the ngubaran (treat rice), about three months since planting of rice. After that, during the next six months all the arts should not be played, and can be played again on the next season Planting rice. Angklung held close to the event called the Angklung musungkeun, namely nitipkeun (check, store) Angklung after use.

In the course of entertainment, Angklung usually held during the light hours and does not rain. They play it in the Angklung (page Knowledgeable in rural) while you sing various songs, among others: Lutung Kasarung, Yandu Bibi, Yandu Sala, Ceuk Arileu, Oray-orayan, Dengdang, Yari Gandang, Oyong-oyong Bangkong Agency, Kula, Kokoloyoran, Ayun-swaying, Pileuleuyan, infatuated Manggu, Rujak Gadung, Mulung Muncang, Giler, Ngaranggeong, Aceukna, Marengo, Salak Sadapur, Rangda Ngendong, Celementre, Keupat Reundang, Papacangan, and Culadi Dengdang.

The Angklung penabuh of eight people and three small penabuh bedug standing position while walking in a circle formation. Meanwhile, the other is ngalage (dance) with a movement that has been standardized but simple. Everything is done only by men. This is different from the Daduy In public, they are limited by traditional rules with a variety of pamali (Taboo, Taboo), could not do anything excessive worldly Enjoyment. Art is done solely for the purpose of the ritual.

The names in the Angklung Kanekes from the biggest are: parent, ringkung, dongdong, gossip, engklok, parent leutik, torolok, and Roel. Roel consisting of 2 units held by a Angklung. The names of the bedug is terpanjang: bedug, talingtit, and percussion. The use of instruments bedug there is a difference, namely in the villages Kaluaran they wear bedug of 3 units. In Kajeroan; village Cikeusik, use only the bedug and talingtit, without percussion. In Kajeroan, village Cibeo, use only the bedug, without talingtit and percussion.

In the Kanekes Angklung is entitled to make the Kajeroan (Tangtu; Baduy Jero). Kajeroan consists of 3 villages, namely Cibeo, Cikartawana, and Cikeusik. In the third village is not all people can make, only a descendant of and is entitled to do just that in addition to the terms of the ritual. Creator Angklung in Cikeusik father is the famous Amir (59), and in Cikartawana father Tarnah. Kaluaran People buy from people in the three Kajeroan village.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Traditional Foods Of Indonesia (Nasi Kuning)

Yellow rice is a typical Korean food. Food is made from rice that is cooked along with Turmeric and coconut milk and spices. Added with spices and coconut milk, yellow rice has a more savory taste than white rice. Yellow rice is one of the Variations of white rice which is often used as tumpeng. Usual yellow rice served with various side-dish pauk typical Indonesia.

Tradition in Indonesia of rice yellow color depicts the wealth, Prosperity and the lofty moral. Therefore, yellow rice often served on syukuran events and happy events such as birth, marriage and fiance. In Balinese tradition, the color yellow is one of the four Sacred colors which have, in addition to white, red and black. Yellow rice therefore often made at the ceremony Brass dish.

Budaya Indonesia - Sumbawa Tradition

Sumba people today do not vary much with the people in the Sumba ago.

They were able to preserve the language and culture although tireless occupied and dominated by other islands. There are three languages used on the island of Sumba, the two languages in West Sumba and a language in East Sumba. Second language in the western part of the divided again over eight dialects.

Sumba easy for people known by the way I Dressed. Men wear cloth woven strap "Hinggi" tied to the waist with a belt and a big knife in the Plug and woven into cloth belt. They also wear headgear made of woven rope. Interlock woven cloth using patterns of animals and humans. In East Sumba, generally woven strap with a black base color and color patterns in the West Sumba with basic blue color. Women also wear cloth woven rope, but different types and shapes in the form of glove.

One of the Characteristics Sumba is their expertise which in the case of extraordinary horsemanship. The children have started learning to ride a horse since still small. When adults go, they showed through the expertise is in the tradition carried war horse "Pasola".

Sumba most people still live in the village or village and the birth of their women to follow her husband or live in their husband's village. A village usually consists of a page with a large stone stone-roofed houses and large maramu (tower houses) form a circle corral page. Sumba represents the traditional home of the world's three important people in the life of Sumba: the animal is under the ground where the pit house pets they live, the people living in the midst of which the house owner and family live, and in the spirit world to the spirit in which the three fathers fathers dwelt.

In general, villages in Sumba are not very prosperous life. Sumba Prosperity for the people usually can be measured by the number of animals (buffalo, cow and horse) that is in the village as well as extent of land owned. Some Villagers have to sell out their cattle in the past so that the level of Prosperity Villagers become degenerate. Often happens is that children Sumba can not go to school. It is because they must stay home to help their parents prepare a rice field or garden because her parents do not have the money to send to them. Children who are not educated do not have a good future because not all children who come from a family can inherit their father's property. Children who have no land and education as this is intended to be unemployed.

In the past, Sumba grouping the three systems in the community that is nobility, farmers and slave / servant (maramba or kabisu). System such as this does not apply at the present time, but they can still be viewed from a certain level of Prosperity of families in the community to this day. Families gentility still rich enough and tend to be more prosperous lives than most people. Infant mortality in Sumba is still relatively high because many children who lack nutritious food and clean water. Drugs is also very difficult to get. Sumba island had received assistance from the central government's going to fail because of hunger harvest. Thousands of tons of rice had a drop from Sumba but due to the central government are on the Monetary and political crisis that occurred at the same time a few years ago, support for Sumba stopped. Natural resources available in this island are very limited and the central government can not afford to send more aid to residents of adequate Sumba.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Alat Musik Tradisional Indonesia Angklung

Art dogdog lojor there are people in Kasepuhan Pancer Pangawinan or customs union Banten Kidul spread around Mount Halimun (with Sukabumi, Bogor and Lebak). Although this art is called dogdog lojor, the name of one of the instruments in it, but there is also used as Angklung relation to the events of rice rituals.

Once a year, after the harvest, the entire community events Seren The epidemic or epidemic in the center of the village tradition. Center as the traditional village house kokolot (Elders) place always moved according to the supernatural.

Honor the tradition of rice in the community is still carried out because they include people who still adhere to old customs. The tradition they claim as descendants of the Officers and soldiers in the palace Pajajaran baresan Pangawinan (soldiers armed with a lance). Kasepuhan community has adopted Islam and was quite open will influence of modernization, and the worldly things Enjoyment in entertainment can enjoy.

This attitude is also in the function of art since around the 1970s, dogdog lojor has experienced growth, which is used to enliven khitanan children, marriage, and other events crowd. Instruments used in the arts dogdog lojor is 2 fruit dogdog lojor Angklung and 4 large pieces. These four fruit Angklung has a name, called the biggest Howl, and then panembal, kingking, and inclok. Each instrument is played by one, so that all of six people.

Songs of them dogdog lojor Bale Agung, Hideung Side, shaky-shaky Papanganten, Si Tunggul Kawung, Adulilang, and Adu-Complaint. Songs with this form of vocal ritmis dogdog Angklung and tend to remain.