Monday, March 14, 2011

fighting sheep

fighting sheep is one of the typical folk art that flourished western Java, especially in traditional circles. Art is an ancestral heritage that still survive its existence until today.

 Queue sheep to compete

At its core is a race of sheep livestock arena stunt show that will eventually raise the prestige of a particular livestock association. The participants are farmers, ranchers sheep scattered in almost all western Java, especially the arrowroot, Sumedang, Bandung, Majalengka and others. Event sheep race held every year by a system of competition, almost every month of this activity taking turns in the regions. Arena cancun sheep one of them located in the valley Siliwangi (in addition to a sports field SABUGA ITB).

 The atmosphere attractions sheep race

Each race event is always packed with spectators sheep. This activity also has a relatively high prestige because a lot of leaders who also is a fan sunda well as their owners, such as Kang Ibing, Etc..

Prizes are up for grabs also not arbitrary, a car or motorcycle is something familiar. This is not surprising because the price of a sheep race could reach tens of millions of dollars.

 As with any boxing match, the arena is also equipped by a jury assessors, referees and coaches danced sheep sheep jaipongan each time for action. Usually every game is divided into two rounds, and each round consists of ten times the collision of the head. Adu dexterity is also divided into different classes based on the weight of sheep fighter.

 Attractions Pencak silat

Sheep race event also frequently punctuated by the attraction of martial arts, traditional music as well. This makes it very lively and interesting activities. Unfortunately that still is internal promotion among fans of lamb, making tourist attractions that have a value has not been able to attract foreign tourists and generate income for the area.

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